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- November 2005
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- Welcome to the Virtual Skipper 4 ReadMe!
- Here you'll find information about the installation of Virtual Skipper 4 and solutions to any problems you may
- encounter within the game.
- ========================================
- Summary:
- ========================================
- 1. Configuration
- 1.1 Minimum Configuration
- 1.2 Recommanded Configuration
- 2. Installation
- 2.1 Installing Virtual Skipper 4
- 2.2 Installing DirectX 9.0c
- 3. Launching Virtual Skipper 4 for the fisrt time
- 4. Short Description of the Game and Use of Menus
- 5. Settings
- 5.1 Profile
- 5.2 Game Modes
- 6. First Step
- 6.1 Tutorial
- 6.2 Maneuvering the boat
- 7. Racing Rules
- 7.1 The Rules of Match Race and Fleet Regatta
- 7.2 The Concept of Right-of-Way
- 7.3 Starting Procedures
- 7.4 The Specific Match Race Rules
- 8. The resolution of problems
- 8.1 Launching problems
- 8.2 General problems
- 8.3 DirectX Problems
- 8.4 Display problems
- 9. Contacts and websites
- ========================================
- 1. Configuration
- ========================================
- 1.1 Minimum configuration:
- Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/XP64
- PII 450 Mhz
- 64 MB Ram
- 32 MB 3D CARD (16 MB AGP) 100 % compatible DirectX 9.0c
- Sound card compatible with DirectX 9
- 1.2 Recommended configuration:
- Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/XP64
- PIV 1 Ghz
- 128 MB Ram
- 64 MB 3D card (16 MB AGP) compatible DirectX 9.0b
- ========================================
- 2. Installation
- ========================================
- 2.1 Installing Virtual Skipper 4
- Insert the CD ROM into your drive and follow the instructions on the screen.
- If no window appears when you put the CD-ROM into your drive:
- 1) Double-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop.
- 2) Double-click on the CD-ROM icon to launch the installation program. Double-click on "Vsk4Setup.exe"
- While you install the game, you can choose the installation directory of the game (by default C:\Program Files\Virtual Skipper 4).
- A Virtual Skipper 4 folder will also be created in the "start" menu. This folder provides the links to launch and uninstall the game.
- ----------------------------------------
- 2.2 Installing DirectX 9.0c
- Virtual Skipper 4 works with the Microsoft DirectX application. The DirectX 9.0c version is available on the cd-rom.
- When the installation of the game is finished, an option allows you to install this version on your computer.
- If you do not have DirectX 9.0c (or above) on your computer and if you decide not to intall it, you won't be able
- to play with Virtual Skipper 4e.
- ========================================
- 3. Launching the game
- ========================================
- Once the game is installed, you can launch it with the shortcut on the desktop or with the "start" menu.
- Once the game is installed or while you launch the game for the first time, it is possible that the program may ask
- you to restart your computer.
- ========================================
- 4. Short Description of the Game and Use of Menus
- ========================================
- The ôSingle playerö menu launches a tutorial and a campaign race on 14 seascapes.
- The "Multiplayer" menu allows you to participate in regattas with multiple real players
- on the Internet or on a local area network (LAN).
- You can sail in match races and fleet regatta races.
- In ôCustom Racesö you can:
- - ôPlay raceö. Here you can find the list of races that you created or obtained via email or on the Internet.
- - ôCreate a new raceö. You have access to the race and seascape editor in order to create all new races.
- - ôEdit a raceö. You can modify a race.
- [Custom Races menu is not available in the demo]
- The "Replay" menu lists the videos of previous races that have been saved
- and launches the Mediatracker with which you can create movies of your races.
- [Replay menu is not available in the demo]
- The "Options" menu allows you to enter the name for your boat, to choose your avatar and the game mode (Arcade, Tactical, Simulation)
- and to modify the game controls.
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- 5. Settings
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- On the first screen, you must enter your player name (profile).
- Click with your mouse on the space provided to this end, type in your name and then confirm by clicking on OK or pressing Enter.
- The Main Menu is displayed. Go to Settings.
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- 5.1 Profile
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- Click on the name of the displayed profile to add a new player name.
- Multiple players will therefore be able to play the game in Single Player mode with different profiles.
- Click on Add, enter the name of the additional player(s) and click on OK to confirm.
- Always remember to choose your profile before playing.
- By default, your game name is that of your profile but you can modify it by clicking on the name
- and pressing the Delete key on your keyboard to erase the name displayed and then by typing your new name.
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- 5.2 Game Modes
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- Virtual Skipper 4 offers 3 different game modes.
- Arcade: It is the simplest mode. It is strongly recommended for beginners.
- Tactical: This mode is for advanced level game play.
- Simulation: For experts only.
- Each mode offers navigation assistance during gameplay:
- Directional arrow of the wind Active Not activated Not activated
- Adjustment of sails Automatic Manual/Auto Manual
- Marks of the course Displayed Displayed Not displayed
- Lay lines Displayed Displayed Not displayed
- Sailing rules Simple Complete Complete
- Cumulated penalties 4 2 2
- ========================================
- 6. First Step
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- 6.1 Tutorial
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- The tutorial will help you become more familiar with the sail and game play.
- It offers a series of several regattas to be played on various seascapes.
- During these regattas, you are alone on the seascape;
- your objective is to maneuver your boat and to reach the finishing line within the time limit.
- The races are not all displayed during the installation of the game.
- Successful completion of races make it possible to unlock the following races and to progress within the game.
- Click on ôNordicö on the top left. A first regatta will be displayed in the left-hand window.
- The window on the right-hand side will display your score when you finish this regatta.
- The window at the bottom displays the settings of the regatta.
- To display them, place your mouse over the name of this regatta then click to launch it.
- A window providing info on the course of this first regatta then appears. Click on OK to go to the course location.
- Press the Esc key at any time to display the race objectives, quit or restart the race.
- At the end of the race, you can save its replay.
- By saving the replay, you will be able to view your race in detail, analyze it and create a movie.
- Once you have won the ôNordicö regattas, another seascape offering new regattas will also be unlocked.
- What are regattas or races?
- A race is held on a race course with a starting line and a finish line. Each line goes through a yellow buoy and the committee boat.
- Between the two lines, there may be other buoys you must pass before crossing the finish line.
- The lines and buoys are commonly known as "marks".
- When you arrive at the venue, your boat is placed on the side of the line off of the course. The line is either red, yellow or green.
- The line must be green before you can cross it and enter the race course.
- In addition, an arrow is displayed on the seascape.
- It points to the buoy which you must reach before passing the finishing line
- and the direction in which you must pass (to turn around) this buoy.
- We recommend that you use the camera to look for this arrow, which will not necessarily be in your direct field of vision.
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- 6.2 Maneuvering the boat
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- Here are the main controls for maneuvering the boat:
- If you use the keyboard:
- Left Arrow Left ôbarö. The boat will turn to port (left).
- Right Arrow Right ôbarö. The boat will turn to starboard (right).
- Down Arrow ôBarö at zero. The boat stops coming about.
- If you use the mouse, use the bar situated at the bottom of your screen.
- - Slide your cursor to the left and your boat will go left; you will turn to port.
- - Slide your cursor to the right and your boat will go right; you will turn to starboard.
- - Place your cursor at the center of the helm to re-set the tiller to zero and steer your boat in a specific direction.
- In general, this command is used to stop coming about.
- Please note that a boat advances well when it is well positioned compared to the wind and when its sails are properly trimmed.
- If you are navigating close-hauled (the wind coming from the front), your sails must be trimmed at the axis of the boat;
- before the wind (the wind is coming from behind the boat), the sails are eased.
- When the wind is coming from the front: your boat is heading into the wind and your sails are trimmed.
- When the wind is coming from behind the boat: you are sailing with the wind and your sails are eased.
- To assist you, we have added:
- - an arrow showing wind direction
- - an automatic trimming mode for the sails.
- Wind Direction Arrow
- This arrow moves around the boat and indicates wind direction.
- When the arrow is in front of the boat, you are sailing into the wind, and when it is behind the boat, you are sailing with the wind.
- This arrow is also color-coded in three colors: red, blue and green.
- A red arrow means that your boat is poorly positioned with respect to wind direction and the boatÆs speed is zero or almost zero.
- A blue arrow means that you are not going in the optimal direction and your boat is not reaching its top speed.
- A green arrow means that your boat is perfectly positioned and is moving forward at its best speed.
- In short, if you are a beginner, follow this simple rule to sail like a pro:
- Steer your boat in such a way that the arrow remains green!
- Note: The directional arrow of the wind is active only in Arcade mode (See Settings).
- Automatic Trimming Mode:
- The Automatic mode is the default setting when the game is installed (in Arcade and Tactical modes only).
- It trims your sails as a function of your boatÆs direction with respect to the wind.
- You do not have to do anything.
- The players who choose the Tactical mode can go into Manual mode.
- Camera Controls:
- Use the several cameras positioned around your boat to view the course.
- Right-click to rotate the view and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
- You can use "0" to switch camera.
- ========================================
- 7. Racing Rules
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- Virtual Skipper 4 strictly adheres to racing rules copied from the rules of the ISAFTM (International Sailing Federation).
- A virtual umpire continuously evaluates the tactical situation of the race
- and intervenes if necessary to assess a penalty on any player that violates these rules.
- For those unfamiliar with the rules, Virtual Skipper 4 provides an ISAFTM module
- that will allow them to compete on the same level as the pros.
- This module can be displayed by clicking on the tab at the upper right of the screen.
- In Virtual Skipper 4, you will race under the rules of the fleet regatta and the Match race.
- In the settings, if you choose Arcade, you will play by simplified rules.
- If you choose Tactical or Simulation, you will play by the complete set of rules.
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- 7.1 The Rules of Match Race and Fleet Regatta
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- The basic idea of a match race is a race between two sailboats.
- The main objective is to cross the finish line first, winner takes all! Strategy is of the utmost importance in this type of race.
- You will have to demonstrate tactical skills and subtlety to block your opponent while following the rules
- and sailing in such a way as to make him incur penalties.
- The most famous of all match races is the America's CupTM.
- In contrast to the match race, victory in the fleet regatta hinges on speed.
- It is difficult to handle seven opponents at a time and develop race tactics to counter them all.
- Fleet regattas are less tactical than match races but obviously just as exciting!
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- 7.2 The Concept of Right-of-Way:
- ---------------
- In a regatta, the concept of right-of-way is essential. Racing rules define which boat has the right-of-way over another.
- On the radar and ISAF Panel, the virtual umpire continuously informs you of these rights-of-way, both graphically and intuitively.
- If you donÆt respect these rights-of-way, then the umpire will assess a penalty.
- A "virtual" (but impartial!) umpire observes the race and assesses penalties against players who break racing rules.
- If the "umpire" gives you a penalty, you will have to make a complete turn (known to the "pros" as a "360").
- Note that during this maneuver, you will lose your right-of-way over the other players,
- so be careful not to be in the path of any of your competitors.
- - With each penalty you receive, a penalty icon will be immediately displayed on the right side of the screen.
- - When you are completing the penalty, a yellow icon is displayed.
- Whether you are in a fleet race or in a match race, you have to complete the penalty before finishing.
- If you do not, your crossing of the finish line will not be validated and you will not appear in the final ranking.
- Beware, a limited number of penalties is allowed. Beyond that, youÆll be eliminated.
- In Arcade mode, you can receive 4 penalties concurrently.
- In Tactical and Simulation mode: Only 2 cumulated penalties are allowed.
- - Serving Penalties in a Match Race:
- In match races, penalties must be served before the boat passes the finish line.
- You can also cancel a penalty you have received by causing the opponent to incur a penalty.
- In this case, both penalties will be cancelled (yours and your opponentÆs).
- Finally, the 360 is not compulsory. You can complete your penalty by completing a 270░ turn near the next mark (buoy or line).
- If the mark is to the windward side, jibe and come back into the wind as soon as possible before sailing toward the mark.
- If the mark is to the leeward side, tack and come back to sail with the wind as soon as possible before sailing toward the mark.
- - Serving Penalties in a Fleet Race:
- In fleet races, a penalty must be completed within two minutes after it is assigned.
- A countdown will let you know how much time there is left.
- If you do not serve the penalty in time, you will be assigned another penalty.
- Furthermore, penalties may not be served within two boat-lengths of a buoy.
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- 7.3 Starting Procedures:
- ---------------
- For starts at 1, 3 or 5 minutes, the race does not begin immediately.
- All of the boats remain behind the starting line, an imaginary line passing through a yellow buoy and the committee boat.
- The start in Match Race:
- As long as the countdown has not reached zero, the line remains yellow, then red (1 min before the start for a fleet race).
- During the countdown, the boats sail around and jockey for the best position.
- When the line turns green (the countdown reaches zero), the boats with the best position will have an important advantage in the race.
- In the attempt to get the best starting position, you may make a false start. If you do, the umpire will assess a starting-line penalty:
- In Fleet Race :
- If the "X" signal flag has been raised and a boat is on the course side of the starting line within one minute before the start signal,
- the boat must return to the off-course side of the line by rounding one or the other of the ends of the line, before it can start.
- In Match Race:
- If a boat is on the course side of the starting line when the start signal is given,
- the boat must return to the off-course side of the line before the boat can start.
- In Match Race, the boat is not required to go around either end of the line.
- ---------------
- 7.4 The Specific Match Race Rules:
- ---------------
- - Match races do not abide by rule 31.2, however, should a boat come into contact with a course marker,
- it will be assigned a penalty of 270░.
- - Match races do not abide by rules 16.2 and 17.2.
- You can find the complete race rules on the website of the FΘdΘration Franτaise de Voile: www.ffv.fr
- and on the official Internet site of the ISAFTM: www.sailing.org
- ========================================
- 8. The resolution of problems
- ========================================
- ---------------
- 8.1 Launching problems
- ---------------
- If you have a problem while you launch the game, verify the following points:
- > DirectX version (see chapters 2.2 and 8.3 of this ReadMe)
- > Graphic drivers verion (see chapter 8.4 of this ReadMe)
- > If patches are available, you'll find them in the download area on the official website www.virtualskipper.com
- If you can't start Virtual Skipper 4, there might be a problem with your CD-Rom or DVD drive. In this case if you have
- another drive, use this one to ensure that the problem comes from the first drive.
- If you have a message that says "impossible to read the disk", click on "information" to compile the information
- on your problem and on your computer. Then, Click on "see the report".
- This will open a wordpad file that provides all necessary information you have to give to the technical support
- so that they can resolve your problem.
- Save this file on your computer and send it via email to the technical support or copy and past it directly
- inside your email.
- If you can't get the error code (see above), go in the "start" and "execute" menu and enter "msinfo32".
- Validate with ok. Inside the program msinfo32, choose "file/save" and name it "mypc.txt" for example.
- Send this file to the technical support and tell exactly the content of the error message you got.
- Warning, if you send false or incomplete information to the technical support, you take the risk not to get
- a fast and efficient answer.
- ---------------
- 8.2 General problems
- ---------------
- > Close all opened applications to play with Virtual Skipper 4 so that the game can benefit from all of your computers potential.
- > Some configurations with a firewall may suffer a screen freezing.
- To resolve this problem, deactivate the firewall during your Virtual Skipper 4 games.
- > Some configuration with antivirus software may also encounter different problems such as: screen freezing,
- slowing down and too long loading. The best solution is to deactivate your antivirus. It will work
- again as soon as you restart your PC.
- > If Virtual Skipper 4 works too low, we suggest reducing the graphics parameters to get a higher speed of the game.
- To modify them, click on "configure" in the launching window.
- Then choose "Fastest" for the graphics: the game will run more smoothly on lowest configurations.
- ---------------
- 8.3 DirectX Problems
- ---------------
- First, verify that DirectX 9.0c version (or superior) is installed on your computer.
- If it is not the case, you can encounter problems launching or playing Virtual Skipper 4.
- DirectX 9.0c is available on the CD-Rom of the game ; see the chapter 2.2 of this ReadMe to know how to intall it.
- To verify your DirectX version, go in the menu "Start\Execute", enter "Dxdiag" in the text window.
- Once the information window is opened, click on the "system" tab and you'll see the DirectX version that is installed on your computer.
- ---------------
- 8.4 Display problems
- ---------------
- If you have display problems, verify your graphic drivers version.
- Old drivers (not optimised for the latest DirectX versions) can create some display or launching problems with the game.
- Warning, some drivers are not compatible with the constructors' chipsets.
- You'll find below the list of the main graphic cards constructors websites:
- Nvidia : http://www.nvidia.com
- Ati : http://mirror.ati.com
- Intel : http://downloadfinder.intel.com
- Matrox - http://www.matrox.com
- S3 : http://www.viaarena.com
- Kyro (Hercules 4000 et 4500) : http://www.powervr.com
- SiS : http://download.sis.com
- 3Dlabs - http://fr.europe.creative.com
- Aztech Labs - http://www.aztechlabs.com
- Canopus - http://www.canopuscorp.com
- Gateway 2000 - http://www.gw2k.com
- Guillemot - http://www.guillemot.com
- Hercules (voir Guillemot) - http://www.guillemot.com
- I/O Magic - http://www.iomagic.com
- Jaton - http://www.jaton.com
- Leadtek - http://www.leadtek.com
- VIA Technologies - http://www.viatech.com
- If you don't know the name and the type of your graphic card,
- go in the DirectX diagnosis tool ("Start\Execute" enter "dxdiag" and click on Ok), and go in the "display" tab.
- You'll find there the name of your card and its constructor.
- ========================================
- 9. Contacts and websites
- ========================================
- Email: support@virtualskipper-game.com
- Virtual Skipper official website:
- http://www.virtualskipper-game.com
- Copyright (c) 2005 Focus Home Interactive et Nadeo.